Solid Waste
The Franklin County Solid Waste Department oversees residential and commercial trash collection and disposal for areas outside of municipalities. Please contact our office about matters concerning disposal of solid waste, burn bans, and garbage pickup.
Contact Information
Franklin County Solid Waste
36 Main Street
Meadville, MS
Phone: 601-384-2320
Office Hours: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Solid Waste Fee:
$15.00 monthly
$168.00 annually (rate available only if account is current)
payment may be made in person during office hours, left in drop box after hours, or mailed
Garbage Pickup
Once weekly
Holiday pickup may vary, with changes noticed local papers
Garbage must be out by 7:00 AM to insure pickup
Only household garbage will be picked up
Any harmful materials such as glass, sticks, metal, building materials, etc. will not be picked up and must be brought to the transfer station
Regular Pickup Schedule: Begin at 7:00am until Complete
Monday - Town of Bude and NE Corner of Franklin County
Tuesday - Town of Meadville and NW Corner of Franklin County
Wednesday - SE Corner of Franklin County
Thursday - Town of Roxie and SW Corner of County
Friday - Closed
Solid Waste Transfer Stations
Bude Compactor
720 D Street
Bude, MS 39630
Phone: 601-384-5875
Hours: Monday - Saturday, 8:30am - 5:00pm​
Allowed Waste: household garbage, appliances, building materials, tires, etc. $100 per transfer load.
Disallowed Waste: harmful materials, such as liquid paint, butane/propane tanks, asbestos, rubbish, car batteries, etc.